GRADDO ENDOWMENT AND HUMANITARIAN FUND operates in the area of humanitarian activities since 1994. GRADDO ENDOWMENT AND HUMANITARIAN FUND helps deserted, handicapped children, chidlren suffering from fatal diseases, co-citizens suffering from natural disasters, accidents, diseases, refugees, pensioners from rest homes, people in need and also carnivorous animals in danger and also endangered historical sights. Such voluntary work is made directly by the managers of GRADDO and in the area of public interest activities there are included sponsors and volunteers by Dr. Alexandr Cach.
GRADDO ENDOWMENT AND HUMANITARIAN FUND takes patronage over 12 children's homes.
GRADDO ENDOWMENT AND HUMANITARIAN FUND organizes children's days with a rich cultural program and final gift-giving in the presentational and training centre - GRADDOLAND, every year.
GRADDO ENDOWMENT AND HUMANITARIAN FUND holds Christmas parties, summer camps, festivals and exhibitions of special arts, races and competitions for children every year. The profit from the annual Health, beauty and strenght competition held on the occassion of gathering of friends and partners, is used for humanitarian purpose as a whole. Through those benefit days and presents, company GRADDO struggles to make uneasy life of those who need it more pleasant. According to his activities in the rescue of carnivorous animals in danger Dr. Alexandr Cach, Director of Board of the company GRADDO and the founder of GRADDO ENDOWMENT AND HUMANITARIAN FUND became the President of Endowment Fund CITES that fights for saving and breeding carnivorous animals and who also takes care of two Ussurian tigers. Those are highly protected due to their number of 150 pieces in the world and still in danger of extinction.